Getting ready to throw away those pineapple peels? Wait…here's how to make some delicious wine from it, with very little effort. Surprised? Read on... Ingredients 01. Pineapple peels - from one medium-sized pineapple 02. Sugar - 1 ¾ cup 03. Cold water - 1 ½ cups 04. Egg white (beaten) - 1 05. Dried ginger - 1 tbsp 06. Cloves - 6 07. Cinnamon - a little 08. Yeast - ½ tsp Preparation 01. Place all the ingredients inside a big ceramic jar, known as a bharani, tie the mouth of the jar securely with cloth and close the lid tightly. Keep it aside for ten days. 02. Then strain it through a clean muslin cloth and pour it into glass bottles. 03. It will be ready for use after twentyone days.